- Galty Wall-Galtymore (Grade 3)
Seven members set out from King’s Yard on what turned out to be a superb walk. Weather conditions were perfect, so there was no short-cutting this great route. In spite of the glorious sunshine, it was bitterly cold on the ridge so a cracking pace was maintained for the day. From arrival at the Galtee Wall it was full speed ahead along the ridge, over Carrignabinnia, Slievecushnabinnia, Dawson’s Table and on to Galtymore itself (919m). There were spectacular views in all directions; Lough Curra, the Glen of Aherlow, the Comeraghs and the Knockmealdowns. The thrilling sight of a lone stag, preening himself for the rutting season, reminded us that Autumn is just around the corner. It was a very happy group that arrived back in King’s Yard to enjoy coffee in the sunshine with their friends from the shorter walk.
- Attychraan Glen-Seefin (Grade 1/ 2)
On a fine clear day seven members headed for Seefin, a peak that is frequently overlooked by those aspiring to greater challenges. We made good progress to the col, and then went South to the rocky top. Perched over the Black Road (the gateway to the Galtees) we had wonderful views of the Knockmealdowns, Comeraghs and the extended Galty range. We then retraced our steps northwards and headed for Knockeenatonge, taking in lunch in a sunny spot. We descended from Knockeenatonge to the memorial stone, marking an air crash in September 1976. Onwards in a westerly direction towards Coopers Wood, from there we followed the Attychraan river path back to King’s Yard. En route we saw the Fly Agaric toadstool (Amanita muscaria) a flamboyantly handsome plant, but highly poisonous. The longer walk arrived back soon afterwards. It was a pleasure to sit down together in King’s Yard in the sunshine, and exchange stories of the day over a cuppa.
- And the social side . . .
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