Cork Mountaineering Club

Cork’s longest established Hill Walking Club

Month: August 2019

EVENING EVENT City Walk & Summer BBQ Wednesday 17 July 2019

42 members and guests enjoyed these events.  The City Walk was an inspiration; we know we’re a good club and we’re pretty good at mountaineering, but here was an opportunity to learn about Cork.  35 of us participated in a rather wet historical walk through the city, learning about the War of Independence in Cork.  This provided us with plenty of conversational material at our summer BBQ.  A most enjoyable evening – although, unaccountably and unusually, lacking in song!

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Sugarloaf-Knockmealdown, Sunday 14 July 2019

The Knockmealdowns are such a forgiving mountain range!  Not only did they accommodate our super-fast long walkers (see previous report), they also allowed this group of 14 to sub-divide into faster and not-so-fast, so everyone had an enjoyable day.  We climbed steadily from the Vee to the summit of Sugarloaf, then across the ridge to Knockmealdown itself.  For some of our group it was their first County High Point (well done, you know who you are!)  We returned along the ridge as far as the “St Declan’s Way” path, and enjoyed a splendid descent through Glenmoylan.

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Knockmealdowns: Vee-Liam Lynch Monument-Vee Sunday 14 July 2019

Just four walkers for our 20 kms-plus walk on this beautiful sunny July day. We took the low route via the Tipperary Heritage Way to start, where we spotted a rare species of butterfly, and shortly afterwards we saw a buzzard flying low along our track. We later saw two buzzards soaring high above us in the clear blue sky. We took a short break at the Liam Lynch monument before starting the climb. We headed up to Crohan West along a now well-worn track, where we stopped for lunch. We had a clear view from there of our journey ahead, firstly to Knockmeal, and then to Knocknagnauv and on to Knockmealdown. It always looks easier from a distance, and so it proved, but with a steady pace we managed to make good progress, even on the steep bits, and got back to the cars in just less than 8 hours.  Refreshments in Lismore were very welcome en route home.




SUMMER CAMP Great Blasket Sat/ Sun06/ 07 July 2019

Judging by the happy campers on our return, we will have to do it again!  On Saturday, five of us stepped aboard the ferry for our weekend Blasket adventure. We claimed the prime camp site and pitched our tents right above the beach.   Some of us went for a swim and a spot of seal-watching.  As the evening drew in the seals gathered in the water, heads bobbing, then they slowly and cautiously pulled themselves ashore to bed down for the evening. They are a noisy bunch before they settle! We fell asleep lulled by the rhythm of the waves and vaguely heard the Manx shearwaters coming home to roost.  We awoke early to the sounds of the seals getting ready to go back to the sea – about 300, we estimated.  They slowly curled and stretched and did what looked like seal Pilates before gradually plunging back into the sea, keeping us enthralled right through breakfast.  Then we broke camp, squeezed in another little swim and made our way to the slipway ready for our ferry.  Magic!A20190706_121156 B20190705_214236 C20190706_002445 D20190706_011556 E20190706_130700 F20190706_215428 G20190707_103649

EVENING WALK: Glenvillle 03 July 2019

A beautiful evening walk was enjoyed by 12 walkers.  Starting at the church, the route went along charming quiet roads, forest-edge tracks and over a footbridge, before returning in a loop to the village and refreshments before going home.

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