

It was a splendid walk!  Fourteen members enjoyed the bright sunshine and clear air, the easy walking over dry ground, the magnificent views and the cheerful company.  Even if we did get a mini-blizzard for a grand finale, nobody cared by then!  Everyone contributed to the success of the day – reassuring GPS readings, inspirational route choices and local knowledge and logainmneachaWe took the high route from Crow Hill car park (the highest pass in the western Knockmealdowns) over Knockshanahullion (652m) to Knocknalougha (630m) from where we tried to see down into Baylough.  We stayed high for our return, back to the col at Spot Height 551, before descending to  pick up the Avondhu Way.   A short, sharp climb over Knockclugga took us to within sight of our cars.


