Carrantuohil via O’Shea’s Gully   Only two members were brave enough to undertake this, given the heavy snow conditions as they were leaving Cronin’s Yard.  However, the skies cleared as they tramped through the Hag’s Glen and the weather was much better than the forecasts predicted.  Going up O’Shea’s Gully was challenging due to the deep and soft snow: it was more a scramble than a climb. The rest of the ascent to the top of Carrauntoohil was windy and icy, but there was no turning back at that stage.  The descent was via the Heavenly Gates. In this case, the snow actually made coming down easier, as it was less daunting.  They retraced their steps through the Hag’s Glen, returning to Cronin’s Yard in 5.5 hours.

Muisire Mór:  Fourteen members gathered at the starting point.  Initial flurries of wind and snow did not dampen enthusiasm, but the skies darkened quite quickly.  Soon there were snow blizzard conditions and difficult driving.  Some of the group turned back altogether; the remainder continued towards Macroom via the Kerryman’s Table and Millstreet Nature Park.  The group then enjoyed a road walk in the Macroom area.  Safety prevails!