This week’s walks gave us a lesson in how planned routes are subject to change, for safety reasons, when weather conditions dictate.  Conditions underfoot were horrendously greasy for both walks.

Knockshane: on arrival at the Vee, it was obvious that heavy mist and clinging rain were going to stay for the day, so the original route was revised.  The ten members stayed in the shelter of the Glenmoylan valley as long as possible, and then climbed Knockmealdown from the col.  For three of the group, it was their first time on Waterford’s highest mountain.                                        

Knockshanahullion: this walk was no different – except that the route did not have to be altered, because it was less exposed.  Four motley souls signed the walk log. It was one of those days where the cloud meets the ground and stays in a handshake all day, so it was heads down and plod, with early lunch at Knockshanahullion to take advantage of the “sheltered” restaurant.

Both return routes required detailed navigation, so everyone got involved.  We won’t mention any diverse compass bearings in a group, or the many opportunities to go astray!  The main thing was, both groups navigated their way safely down and agreed that the day had been worthwhile. No-one got hypothermia, though it was a wet “baptism of fire” for our two newcomers.  The usual beautiful views may have been in short supply but the company was excellent, the conversation edifying and doing mental arithmetic in a mist is a whole new sport.