Cush Mountain:  This is an excellent example of how a route can be changed on the day, to adapt to prevailing conditions and to suit the group.   Conditions were forecast to be challenging on the northern side, so the route was changed to the Black Road.  This was ideal, as there was lovely winter sunshine all day although a bit on the cold side!   The snow line was quite high which made for easier walking.   Five members (not counting the snowman!) climbed Cnoc Beag na nGaibhlte (799m) and had lunch just below the top. Unfortunately, there was no view of the Glen of Aherlow due to the freezing fog.  The poor visibility meant a lot of bad-weather navigation practice and took a return route over Knockeenatoung (601m) which provided excellent views of the surrounding mountains in good visibility.        20171227_121547


Glencush Horseshoe:  Snow conditions on the Northern Galtees were so excellent that the three gentlemen on this route must have thought they were in Scotland!  They sprinted up to Lough Curra then, after a short pause for thought, scrambled smoothly up the gully to reach the col SE of Slievecushnabinnia, the base of the climb to Dawson’s Table and Galtymore. Visibility was poor, lunch was fast and freezing and views were limited. They completed the circuit in excellent time, and arrived in time for coffee with the other group.

Cush horseshoe with John K. 052 Cush horseshoe with John K. 065 (2) Cush horseshoe with John K. 066 Cush horseshoe with John K. 082 Cush horseshoe with John K. 092 Cush horseshoe with John K. 105 (1)